Social media has been abuzz about a possible ban on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media platforms in India from today, following reports that the platforms haven’t complied with the government’s new Intermediary Guidelines or IT rules. The rules were announced on February 25 and gave significant intermediaries three months to comply with them...three months that ended yesterday. So, what happens now?
Motorola launches it's new bendable phone, Samsung makes an embarrassing mistake, Xbox series X that actually looks like just another box and Intel's advancement towards quantum pr ... Read more
Motorola launches it's new bendable phone, Samsung makes an embarrassing mistake, Xbox series X that actually looks like just another box and Intel's advancement towards quantum practicality - all the information packed into one quirky episode by our in-house tech expert Prasid Banerjee a.k.a @undertecher. Tune in. Read more
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