We finally have our first official new project under the India Semiconductor Mission, setting the ball rolling to capture a rising share of the global chip pie. This, however, will go down as a tricky juncture of time in history — Taiwan and China already control a majority of semiconductor-making, while the US and EU are rolling out massive incentives to woo in chipmakers. In such a geopolitical climate, can India’s own chip plans thrive? Or, is it too little, too late? We take you through the first brick in India’s semiconductor wall — and what this may mean for our future.
Motorola launches it's new bendable phone, Samsung makes an embarrassing mistake, Xbox series X that actually looks like just another box and Intel's advancement towards quantum pr ... Read more
Motorola launches it's new bendable phone, Samsung makes an embarrassing mistake, Xbox series X that actually looks like just another box and Intel's advancement towards quantum practicality - all the information packed into one quirky episode by our in-house tech expert Prasid Banerjee a.k.a @undertecher. Tune in. Read more
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