Ryan Reynolds stars in the upcoming fantasy film IF, directed by John Krasinski, featuring an impressive ensemble cast. The movie explores the concept of imaginary friends as time capsules of childhood hopes, dreams, and ambitions. The story follows a young girl with the ability to see imaginary friends left behind by their human companions, leading to a
heartwarming and comedic adventure. John Krasinski, who also directs and produces alongside Reynolds, expressed his excitement for making a family-friendly film that delves into the enduring significance of imaginary companions. The star-studded cast includes Fiona Shaw, Louis Gossett Jr., Alan Kim, Bobby Moynihan, and a voice cast featuring Emily Blunt, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Matt Damon, and more. IF is set to hit theatres on May 17, 2024.
565 Episodes
07 Jan 2025
07 Jan 2025