Padmini, the Malayalam drama film starring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, and Madonna Sebastian has halted production due to torrential rains in Kerala. The film’s release has therefore been postponed. Actress Aparna Balamurali shared the news on social media and added that the new release date will be announced soon. The trailer for the Senna Hegde directorial was released recently, and the film revolves around a school teacher’s journey of finding the right life partner, but only for it to lead to a divorce.
Barbie adds Marisa Abela to its cast, Tom Wlaschiha joins the cast of Hilma biopic, Netflix announces new Swedish comedy film, and other top news in this entertainment bulletin. Read more
Barbie adds Marisa Abela to its cast, Tom Wlaschiha joins the cast of Hilma biopic, Netflix announces new Swedish comedy film, and other top news in this entertainment bulletin. Read more
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