In the upcoming Peacock film, Genie, Oscar-nominated actress Melissa McCarthy takes on the role of Flora, a magical genie who turns the life of a man called Bernard Bottle around. Portrayed by Emmy-nominated actor Paapa Essiedu, Bottle is depicted as a man whose life is falling apart. While enduring a painful trial separation, he is also a victim of job loss. A chance encounter with Flora offers promise as she has the power to realise all his wishes, leading to a series of hilarious modern-day adventures. With a supporting cast that includes talents such as standup-comedian Marc Maron, Remember Me actor Tate Ellington, and others, Genie promises to be a classic holiday fairytale about the power of friendship and family. The film is set to premiere on November 22, just before Thanksgiving, on Peacock.
Barbie adds Marisa Abela to its cast, Tom Wlaschiha joins the cast of Hilma biopic, Netflix announces new Swedish comedy film, and other top news in this entertainment bulletin. Read more
Barbie adds Marisa Abela to its cast, Tom Wlaschiha joins the cast of Hilma biopic, Netflix announces new Swedish comedy film, and other top news in this entertainment bulletin. Read more
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