Illumination Studios upcoming feature film, Migration, will be accompanied by the short film Mooned, marking the return of the infamous Despicable Me villain, Vector, voiced by Jason Segel. Vector, introduced in the franchise's first film, is stranded on the moon, and Mooned follows his quest to find a way back home. The Despicable Me series, which began in 2010, has been a massive success, spawning sequels and spin-offs. The latest instalment, set to debut on December 22, will play alongside Mooned in theatres. The animated feature, Migration, tells the story of a duck family navigating New York City during their winter migration, featuring a star-studded cast. With a rich history of success, the Despicable Me franchise continues to captivate audiences, and the return of Vector adds an exciting element to the upcoming release.
567 Episodes
10 Jan 2025