Daisy Ridley, renowned for her portrayal in the Star Wars saga, opens up about the inspiration behind her upcoming film Magpie, slated as a noir-thriller blend. Scheduled to debut at SXSW in March, the movie delves into the intricate dynamics between fantasy and reality within a family context. In an exclusive interview, Ridley sheds light on the film's genesis, drawing from her experiences on The Marsh King's Daughter set. Ridley's husband, Tom Bateman, who penned the screenplay, played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative. Magpie explores the repercussions of infidelity and the allure of a romanticized film set on the partner left at home, promising audiences a captivating exploration of blurred lines and complex relationships. Ridley, serving as a producer, expresses both excitement and trepidation about unveiling this unique cinematic experience to audiences at SXSW.
Barbie adds Marisa Abela to its cast, Tom Wlaschiha joins the cast of Hilma biopic, Netflix announces new Swedish comedy film, and other top news in this entertainment bulletin. Read more
Barbie adds Marisa Abela to its cast, Tom Wlaschiha joins the cast of Hilma biopic, Netflix announces new Swedish comedy film, and other top news in this entertainment bulletin. Read more
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