Indian markets hit a fresh high on Tuesday even as concerns about the spread of the delta variant of coronavirus weighed on global equities. Domestic economic indicators like GST collection, auto sales volume, PMI and monsoon trend show a strong rebound in July, which have instilled confidence about India. The BSE Sensex closed at 53,823.36, up 872.73 points or 1.65%. The Nifty ended at 16,130.75, up 245.60 points or 1.55%. Among sectors capital goods, banks, auto and telecom were top gainers.
Titan, HDFC, Nestle India, IndusInd Bank, Ultratech Cement and Bharti Airtel were top gainers in the Sensex. There were only three stocks in the red in the Sensex, those were NTPC, Tata Steel, and Bajaj Auto.
423 Episodes
01 Jan 2025