Happy Women’s day to all the beautiful women out there. Women are born leaders. They have the potential to bring prosperity, happiness, and joy to this world
The market regulator, the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has asked the satellite television broadcaster, Dish TV India to disclose the results of its shareholders meeting held in December last year within 24 hours. The regulator has also issued show cause notices to company’s directors asking why the meeting results have not been disclosed so far despite repeated advisories from the regulator.
TCS: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Monday said its Rs 18,000-crore share buyback offer will open on March 9 and close on March 23. On February 12, the company announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at Rs 4,500 apiece.
L&T: In line with its strategy to grow its presence in the services business, Larsen & Toubro on Monday announced the launch of L&T-SuFin an integrated e-commerce platform for B2B industrial products and services. With over eight decades of experience in the manufacturing and EPC projects, L&T has developed the platform to target MSMEs in order to enable them to source their industrial supplies pan-India, digitally.
Natco Pharma: The company, along with its marketing partner Arrow International Ltd (an affiliate of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd), have announced the launch of the first generic version of Revlimid (Lenalidomide capsules) in four strengths in the U. S. market. Revlimid, also known as lenalidomide, is an oral cancer drug that is used for the treatment of multiple myeloma.
ICICI Bank: Private sector lender ICICI Bank is planning to raise up to Rs 8,000 crore through infrastructure bonds to finance projects in the transport and power and affordable housing sectors.
Moving on to markets
Indian indices may witness a flat start on Tuesday.
The voting for the Assembly elections of 5 states ended on Monday and the exit polls suggest BJP could retain power in 4.
On Tuesday, Shares in Hong Kong and Shanghai were up marginally, while Japan and Australia witnessed a decline.
The US market ended Monday session deep in the red as economic growth prospects took a big hit due to uncertainty over the Ukraine crisis.
Oil prices soared to $139 per barrel on Monday as the US and allies considered banning import of oil from Russia,
Business Term of the Day
generic medicines work in the same way and provide the same clinical benefit and risks as their brand-name counterparts. A generic medicine is required to be the same as a brand-name medicine in dosage, safety, effectiveness, strength, stability, and quality, as well as in the way it is taken. Generic medicines also have the same risks and benefits as their brand-name counterparts.
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BlinkIt's attempts to deliver everything, the implications of the coaching institute directive https://www.livemint.com/market/stock-market-news/relief-finally-sebi-lifts-the-fpi-disclosure-overhang-on-market-11706105484691.html https://www.livemint.com/industry/gift-city-may-witness-a-jobs-boom-hint-gccs-11706105589985.html https://www.livemint.com/education/news/mint-primer-why-indias-runaway-coaching-centres-need-regulating-11706105546807.html https://www.livemint.com/money/decoding-the-rationale-of-equal-weight-investing-11706105642374.html https://www.livemint.com/companies/from-cabbage-to-caps-inside-blinkit-s-game-plan-to-deliver-anything-11706097770489.html Read more
Coaching classes to pursue legal action, understanding fintech regulation. https://www.livemint.com/education/news/coaching-centres-may-challenge-new-guidelines-11705943434367.htm ... Read more
Coaching classes to pursue legal action, understanding fintech regulation. https://www.livemint.com/education/news/coaching-centres-may-challenge-new-guidelines-11705943434367.html https://www.livemint.com/news/why-do-we-need-regulation-for-fintech-firms-11705934023343.html https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/sony-demands-90-million-in-termination-penalty-zee-to-seek-legal-options-11705911463157.html https://www.livemint.com/industry/agriculture/the-disquiet-around-iffco-s-magic-fertilizer-11705927306350.html https://www.livemint.com/money/are-ultra-premium-credit-cards-worth-their-hefty-annual-fees-11705940833292.html Read more
In this episode, find out about government's plans to revive privatization of state owned banks, also find out about ICICI bank reporting 35% growth in Q2 Business Term of the Day: ... Read more
In this episode, find out about government's plans to revive privatization of state owned banks, also find out about ICICI bank reporting 35% growth in Q2 Business Term of the Day: Unsecured loan. Read more