Welcome to the another installment of "Ek Adhuri Kahani" hosted by Kahaniwala Devv. In this episode, we explore the intricate theme of "Nafrat," where hatred can cut deep in unexpected ways. our story is set in the lively backdrop of Banaras, the spiritual heart of India. Our protagonist, Vikram lived in a small-knit community near Banaras, In pursuit of his dream, Vikram arrived in Banaras and secured lodging near the ghat. However, his living situation took a grim turn as he ended up with an ill-mannered, drug-addicted roommate. Stuck sharing a room, He devised a plan to get rid of him, bad thoughts started plaguing his mind and started corrupting his brain, but what followed next was gut wrenching and shocking to the core, tune in to this episode and learn about the consequences of hatred.
119 Episodes